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WE believe in the Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (three in one).


WE believe that God is the creator of the universe and therefore is to be honored and praised.


WE believe humankind is sinful and separated from having a relationship with God.


WE believe that Jesus Christ is God’s answer to our sin problem. Jesus came to this earth fully God and fully human as a baby. Jesus lived a sinless life and died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sin. Jesus was resurrected from the dead, returned to Heaven, and sent the Holy Spirit to live in and with Christians.


WE believe that man can be forgiven his sin by; confessing (acknowledging) his sin, repenting (saying we are sorry to God for the wrongs we’ve done and making a commitment to live the way he wants us to), and being baptized (which seals our relationship with God).


WE believe that the Bible and the Bible alone is our instruction from God. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through the Bible; so we commit ourselves to Bible Study.


WE believe Christians are the church. We do not go to church. We come together each week to worship God, encourage each other, and learn what God wants to do through us.


WE believe that God ordained marriage and has defined it as a covenant between one man and one woman and is intended for a lifetime.  A civil government’s sanction of a union will be recognized as a marriage by this church only to the extent that it is consistent with this definition of marriage.  Legitimate sexual relations are exercised solely within this definition of marriage and all others are incompatible with the teachings of the Bible and the church.


WE believe that the church building and other facilities of this church should be used to the glory of God and only as is consistent with the Bible and these articles.


WE believe in the physical return of Jesus Christ and the final judgment of humankind.


Amended to By-Laws March 30th, 2014


9:30 A.M.



10:30 A.M.


2921 Ridge Road, Lansing, IL, 60438​


(708) 474-5370



(708) 363-8570


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